Seattle Public Schools

6807SP Volunteer Enhancement Projects (Self Help Facilities Improvement Projects)

Board Policy No. 6807 recognizes the value of projects that improve Seattle School District buildings and grounds carried out by individuals and groups outside the District facilities, capital, and technology departments. Examples of these volunteer enhancement projects include, but are not limited to, play structure improvements, grounds cleanup and beautification, developing a school garden, interior and exterior painting, conceptual site planning, and addition of benches, bike racks, little libraries, murals, or other art features.

Board Policy No. 6807 refers to these projects as “self help facilities improvement projects.” This procedure and District departments use the term “Volunteer Enhancement Projects” to have the same meaning as “self help facilities improvement projects, and grounds beautification projects” and this procedure applies to all such projects from initiation of a project to implementation and completion.

District Ownership of Projects

Volunteer Enhancement Projects are the school’s responsibility to maintain, repair or replace during the project’s lifespan. Volunteer Enhancement Projects are the property of the District. The District may remove or alter a project. This may occur at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to when there are safety concerns; due to age and condition; to meet student capacity needs; and as part of facilities renovations.

Steps to Initiate and Implement a Volunteer Enhancement Project

1.  The individual or group (project sponsor) proposing a project must first communicate with the school’s principal, or in the case of an administration building or a closed school, talk to the building manager or District property manager, to gain endorsement of the project at the school or building level.

2. The project sponsor will then submit a Volunteer Enhancement Project application.

3. Upon receipt of a Volunteer Enhancement Project application, District staff will review and respond as follows:

  • The Volunteer Enhancement Project staff will acknowledge receipt of an application and will follow up with any clarifying questions.
  • A Volunteer Enhancement Project review team comprised of staff representing the program, planning, maintenance, operations, grounds, resource conservation, risk management, and/or environmental (hazardous materials) interests, as applicable, will then review the application. The review team’s purpose is to ensure projects:
    • Are appropriate for District buildings and grounds;
    • Complement programs taught in the District’s schools;
    • Are completed consistent with District policies and standards, including but not limited to, insurance, competitive bidding, prevailing wage, and warranties;
    • Are completed consistent with applicable city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to, hazardous materials and building permit requirements; and
    • Provide a record of the completed work.
  • District staff will provide the project sponsor with written Conditions of Approval that must be followed for the project to proceed; or deny the project with a written explanation.

4. The project sponsor shall carry out the project in a timely manner consistent with the stipulated Conditions of Approval. District staff will provide oversight and assistance, as feasible, during implementation of the project.

5. Upon completion of the project, District staff will inspect the work and issue a written Acceptance of the Work as applicable.

6. District staff will collaborate with the project sponsor to provide an as-built project record and file records with the District’s Construction Records coordinator as appropriate.

Staffing and Program Resources

The Superintendent or their designee identifies Volunteer Enhancement Projects program staff to manage the review, approval, and facilitation of Volunteer Improvement Projects as described above. Checklists and guidelines will be maintained by assigned District staff as needed for various project types, consistent with District policies and procedures, design standards, and educational specifications; external regulations; and sound business practices. Guidelines will include the following, as applicable:

  • Insurance requirements consistent with District practices for the project type.
  • Where the project involves work with hazardous materials, such as asbestos or lead paint, the work shall be performed only by District personnel or properly qualified contractor personnel. If performed by contractor personnel, the contract shall include insurance provisions consistent with District practice.  
  • All workers employed in a Volunteer Enhancement Project (excluding individuals who volunteer their time) shall be paid not less than the prevailing wage.  Contractors will not be required to provide Department of Labor and Industries documentation of compliance beyond a certified payroll.
  • Competitive bidding and selection of consultants shall be consistent with District practices for the type of project.
  • Construction contracts will include, but are not limited to:
    • Waiver and indemnity: The District will not agree to pay the costs of correcting faulty work or indemnify sponsors of Volunteer Improvement Projects from claims by contractors. Sponsors must fully fund and properly complete projects once approval is granted by the District to proceed with a project.
    • Warranty requirements: Any contract for work shall require that upon completion all equipment and material warranties be assigned to the District.
    • Provisions addressing retainage, insurance, prevailing wages and hazardous materials.

Policy Cross References:

  • 6114 – Gifts, Grants, Donations and Fundraising Proceeds
  • 6800 – Safety Operations and Maintenance of School Property
  • 6807 – Self Help Facilities Improvement Projects


  • January 7, 2025


  • October 15, 2014